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Available add-on features

Reader Service Option

Many publishers offer Reader Service numbers in their publications to generate sales leads for their clients. In general, there is a significant delay between the time the reader requests information on a product featured in a particular issue of a publication and the time the sales lead actually reaches the client.

Users of the webCirc system can provide instant delivery of these reader generated sales leads to the appropriate client by adding the required functionality to both the Back-end and the Front-end.

Back-end functionality

A number of functions are made available in the back-end to facilitate processing of sales leads from Reader Service cards, they are:

  • Client look-up and maintenance
  • Approving of sales lead requests generated by the Front-end for individuals who are not subscribers
  • Adding and maintaining of Reader Service numbers
  • Processing inquiries from mailed-in Reader Service cards
  • Look-up of individual inquiries by client, publication, issue and Reader Service number
  • Inquiry reports by client contact, including statistics by industry, job title, geographical location and supplemental questions

Front-end functionality

The Reader Service module adds additional functionality to the Front-end as well, in order to facilitate instant communication with the client when information is requested on a product by a subscriber or visitor to the publisher's web site.

Current subscribers can get to the Reader Service page either directly or via the Front-end subscription maintenance screen. They can select from the Reader Service numbers featured in any available publication and issue and request information on the product in question. Leads generated by this process are instantly e-mailed to the associated client for follow-up.

For individuals who request information on Reader Service numbers who are not subscribers, the process is different, in that the sales leads generated by such visitors are placed in an approval queue. The approval function in the Back-end can then be used to verify the validity of the requests. If the request is legitimate, sales leads are immediately forwarded to the appropriate client.

Client Access

At the discretion of the publisher, the advertiser clients can be given access to their sales leads through a combination of Client ID and password. This will allow the client real-time access to all sales lead information, including statistics. Information on the responders is automatically updated in case of address and/or employer changes.

Address Accuracy Option

This option will allow for the immediate accuracy checking of addresses as entered by subscribers and publisher's circulation staff. Address accuracy checking is performed on Canadian and US addresses. In addition, Canadian addresses will be looked up in the Canada Post NCOA (National Change of Address) database. In case a subscriber has moved, his/her new address will automatically be retrieved, thereby reducing the number of subscribers lost due to non-deliverable addresses.

Intention-to-Buy Option

The ITB option will allow the publisher to provide those advertisers who buy into the program, with information on the purchase intentions of readers for given products. This option has the potential to significantly increase advertising sales.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Option

Will provide full sales force automation and record keeping capability.
Availability: August 2008